Monday 12 September 2016

The Last 12 Months

As the main title probably already suggests, this first blog isn't going to be a happy read. Supposedly, new starts are meant to be joyful occasions; the journey forward into the unknown. However, for me, my journey truly is one into the unknown and unfortunately it's one that has a painful and heart breaking start that I'm still working through. 

To give you a basic understanding of my story, we'll have to go back almost a year to 2015. I met a girl and to maintain anonymity, although I don't think I've set my privacy settings correctly, we'll call her Delilah. Delilah and I met at a party and we got on like a house on fire. 

To cut a long story short, within a few months we were dating and eventually it became quite a serious relationship that neither of us were expecting. This was due to the fact that she was leaving the UK to finish her PhD. I know what you're thinking: you can't call it a serious relationship if it's only been a few months. I would 100% agree with you, but as the more experienced readers are probably familiar with; these things happen. 

Before anything began between us, we both knew that she was leaving by Christmas but we fell for each other regardless. At first it was casually dating as these things always start, and soon I found myself falling for her. I didn't tell her I was getting feelings because, to be truthful, I wasn't 100% sure myself what it was that I was feeling. A few weeks later, I vividly remember at the end of a party with a group of friends that she actually got angry with me.

When we were walking back to her place, we stopped and talked. She actually hit me several times before I asked what it was that I had done to annoy her. It turned it that she wasn't annoyed with me, but with herself. She said that she shouldn't be falling for me because we hadn't known each other that long. She was annoyed at herself for letting it happen. She didn't want to go through the heartbreak of leaving and breaking up with me when she left. That was when she revealed that she only wanted a casual relationship for her time in my city. 

I comforted her. I calmed her down. I told her. I told her everything. That I'd also been getting feelings, and that I wanted to have something that lasted. Something real. I guess I wanted that one thing everyone searches for in life, but nothing everyone finds: the person they're meant to be with. 

We agreed to try and make it work. And before long it spread like wildfire that we were an official item. And then just as quickly as it started, she'd left to go back to her university to complete her PhD. We'd agreed to try and maintain a long distance relationship. This proved to be very difficult as Skype just wasn't the same as being in the same room. 

Fast forward to January and it was the first opportunity I had to fly out to visit her. The few days leading up to me flying out and we had a fight. At the time, I thought it was bloody ridiculous and looking back, my thoughts on it haven't changed. She was annoyed because I forgot to say goodnight one of the nights. I can't remember all of the details but I remember it being ridiculous. I remember her getting annoyed because I wasn't always around to chat in the evenings because of the variable working hours of being an outdoor instructor. I started to get annoyed because she got annoyed even though I was messaging her occasionally when I could. You have to remember that phone signal for WhatsApp isn't great in the mountains during overnight camps...

So she was pretty annoyed with me in the lead up to flying out. And when I landed at the airport, she was there to meet me. We went back to her place and I was to crash there for the three days I was there. And then she said she wanted to break up. At that moment, everything froze and I didn't know what to say. So many thoughts rushed through my head. The first thing was the fact that I'd flown over 1000 miles to come and see her. That kind of shows how much I felt towards her. The second was do I stay or should I go? And unfortunately, the answer was stay because she told me not to lift anything money from a cash exchange as she's cover all expenses, so I literally couldn't leave. 

The next few days, I spent them with her and being shown around the city. Needless to say, being around a girl that just broke up with you; that you really cared for, that was a difficult few days. I didn't know how to process it. But nevertheless, I was able to get through those few days. 

Upon returning home, Delilah wanted to keep contact up as if nothing had happened. As if we were still friends. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I wanted to talk to her like old times, but I got the heart sinking feeling every time. So we agreed to not talk for a while until I sorted my head out. 

And of course, me being me, I still find it difficult to talk to her. It brings up memories of our time together and it still hurts. 

Fast forward exactly a month from the break up to Valentine's Day 2016. There was a girl, we'll call her Sarah, that joined my home climbing club that I'd always thought was kind of cute but said to myself, "Never in a million years," because I'd be punching well above my weight.

Nothing ever happened then, but she knew that I'd broken up with Delilah last month but didn't bring it up. We somehow got chatting a lot and in a way she was a distraction from the pain of losing Delilah. Somehow, talking to Sarah made something click in my head and I found myself being able to talk to Delilah on WhatsApp again. Just small talk but it was the start of things to come. 

And by St Patrick's Day, I realised the reason was because I'd maybe started to have feelings for Sarah. At this point, I'd known her 5 months, and I didn't want to start anything because I didn't want to rush in to it.

Sarah actually ended doing a leadership course at my place of work at the time. We had breakfast and dinner together every day at my work place during her time on the course. And by that stage everyone at work had copped on that I liked her. So I knew that this point that I did like her as more than just a friend. 

After her course we actually went camping together with another friend, who probably felt like a bit of a third wheel if I'm honest. As I was driving, after I dropped everyone off home, I then decided to say to her about liking her. She was cool about it and wasn't looking for anything right now but didn't say no to the possibility of something. And we left it at that. 

A couple of days later, the climbing climb had their AGM to elect the committee for the next year. I don't remember any of it as I decided it would be a fantastic idea to drink a half bottle of Jameson's Whiskey and a 10-glass of Jack Daniel's Whiskey. However, the next day, I had apparently arranged to meet up with Sarah once I'd sobered up. We chatted and then we ended up kissing. And that was the start of what we had. 

We went on another camping trip together, a few hill walks and a few dates. I even made her a steak dinner at her place. We ended up sleeping together for a bit. 

And then came the start of the end. There was a period where we knew that we wouldn't see each other for a while because of work commitments and other plans. She went off to visit uni friends one weekend and I was away when she was back. So we didn't see each other for a few weeks. I thought we were being pretty mature about it and just getting on with it. 

We still managed to message each other every day so I figured things were going well with us. I started to get stronger feelings at this point. I wasn’t sure because I’ve never actually said it to anyone before, but the “L” word kept floating into my head, but I kept this to myself. 

When she got back and we next saw each other, that's when I noticed things were weird with her. I asked about it and she said that everything was fine. Her voice went quite high pitched and I knew she was lying. She knew that I knew but I thought better of it than to pry any further. We went on our date as usual and I left things as they were; unanswered. 

The next time that I saw Sarah was a couple of days later. We went for a walk in the local park and had hot chocolate in her apartment, again she was being weird and I didn't pry too much into it. I just got the old, "Everything's fine" response. 

And then we had another break of a couple of weeks because of our clashes with work rotas. 

We get to the end of the month of June and we meet up at a carpark and go for a short walk in the hills. We head back to my place and have some tea. Mixed signals start to get thrown around; she said we're doing things slowly but just a few weeks ago we were doing all sorts in her bedroom... Again I didn't pry into it. But I kept thinking, "If you're having problems, surely you'd share them with your boyfriend?"

The next day I happened to by close by because of work. She was doing a First Aid course so I did some training. When she was out of the course, we climbed together with a friend for a bit and then we went our separate ways. Didn't get goodbye or anything. Just a "See you later" sort of thing. 

I parked up outside her apartment and I messaged her:

"Somethings been playing on my mind recently and well, yeah. Wouldn't mind chatting. Literally 5 minutes"

I got no reply. I said to myself that I was going to leave at 9pm. It was the longest 8 minutes of my life when, at 8:58pm, she replied. 

"Look I know we need to chat, I haven't been right in the head recently and it's not fair on you, been trying to sort out my shit but I haven't managed to, we need to chat in person but I can't right now I'll make sure we chat when I'm back"

I replied instantly. "Okay. See you in a couple of weeks. Enjoy [your trip]"

Then I simply drove 30 miles back to my place. Feeling angry and then I cooled down after the drive. 

I went to the climbing wall to do some thinking. I came to the conclusion that she hasn't made the effort to come and see me at all. It took me a while to realise because of work and everything. 

Fair enough, Isle of Man, Fairhead (saw her on the Friday for hot chocolate before going), and Donegal were in the way. I didn't see her last weekend because she was out hillwalking with her best friend on Saturday. And I was Belfast based on Sunday and she didn't want to see me when I asked. 

I'm wondering if this has been a long time coming. I remember in the middle of May when I asked her for coffee she didn't want to because she wanted space. 

I didn't see her until our date night where saying goodbye her voice was squeaky. 

Then on the Friday walking through the park. All we did was hold hands and talk rubbish. And a quick kiss on the lips goodbye. 

And Saturday in the hills was the first time I'd seen her exactly 3 weeks and 1 day. Didn't even hold hands, no hug, and no kiss. It's like we weren't even going out. 

The last time we were in any way intimate was when a friend came over and we went out for a few drinks. I was sober and driving. I was cold in the car when we were leaving so she started making out to distract me and heat things up. 

So between then and Thursday 19th, what changed? She was going to visit uni friends that weekend. Did something happen?

So to me, this is the start of a long and slow break up. I feel hollow. Am I just not going to talk to her for two weeks? I'll let her message first. 

The next time I see her, I'll just ask her straight. "What's going on?"

I think what's bothering me most is that she won't talk to me about her problems. If it's something to do with me, I'd rather she just say. Especially considering that we don't see each other that often, the times we have seen each other, she's had ample opportunity. "What's going on?"

The next two weeks were incredibly difficult. I was losing sleep and was incredibly stressed and I could feel depression sinking in. I didn't talk to her at all because I wanted answers that she seemed dead set on giving in person. 

I'd seen on Facebook that she was now back. I was heading to work near her place so I parked nearby and asked what was going on. 

"I got weird and things have gone to shit I guess."

She said she wouldn't want to talk in person so I dropped this message with her: 

"Right, I would rather we chatted in person, but it looks and feels like you're avoiding me like the plague. I don't know what's going on with you, but I'll tell you how things are with me. I've been so worried about you for the last while (longer than I care to admit) that I'm not eating right, my head has been all over the show, I can't focus and I haven't been able to sleep. 

Things between you and I had been great. It took me a while to cop on that something was up. I didn't want to push too much into it, but drunk me thought otherwise. And now that it's affecting everything between us, I feel that I have to intervene in some way. 

I want to make us work; I'm really trying on my end, but I have no idea how to do that if you keep shutting me out. You said we'd talk in person when you're back and now that you're back, I'm getting nothing. 

So I need to know: do you want to make us work?"

The response. 

"Shit man, I don't want all this drama. Things were nice and easy going, that's how I do things. And yes I'm all over the shop emotionally right now but I've been trying to protect you from that as we had only been a thing for a few weeks. I know you've been trying and you are fantastic but it's not going to fix me. I can't make this work right now but if you want to talk at some point I can make that happen"

She only sees us having been a thing for a few weeks. I definitely count it as being closer to several months; the time when things start to get serious and you start asking, "Where is this going?"

She ended up meeting up with me at my place. And broke up with me then. All of the air in my lungs froze in place and I couldn’t breathe. I could feel a sadness welling up inside of me. I could feel my eyes welling up. She kept talking: all the bullshit reasons; we're too different was the only one that stands out. My mouth was drier than the Sahara and my voice croaky as I tried my best to reason with her illogical excuses to end what we had, but to no avail. 

I lost the first girl that I actually fell in love with. That really hurt. My head was a mess and I couldn't do anything. I didn't want to do anything. I didn't want to be around my friends or family and became a recluse. I started booking days off work to be on my own. 

Unfortunately a few days after she ended things, I was heading on a month long expedition to an uncharted region in Central Asia. I had to sort my head out or the people that I would climb with would be injured or killed. I needed my head in the game. I did the only thing I knew how to do; I bottled it up and compartmentalised it into that dark corner of my brain that I never go to. 

A month later we all get back safety from our trip away.

It was when I saw several of the others meeting up again at the airport with their other halves that the bottle I had put away into a corner of my brain fell off the shelf and smashed open. I was overcome with a massive wave of sadness and confusion. 

Part of me was hopeful that we could reconnect. I'd just have to get my act together. But another part of me was stronger and it told me it was over. This was the side I went with. 

And so I started drinking... Heavily. I've been binge drinking with different friend groups so that no one friend group realises the damage I'm doing to myself. It's the only thing that's numbing the pain and making me forget. 

And to make me hurt even more; I received a message from her. I wasn't sure if I wanted to read it. I just stared at the phone in my inebriated state in disbelief. Eventually I read the message. It was to inform me that she was now seeing someone. Well that hurt me. And here's the kicker that was like pouring acid onto my already fragile heart: it was someone I was climbing with for a month. Yeah. That really hurt me. 

The way I see it, she broke up with me, a few days, away for a month, back barely a week and then I receive that message from her. It feels like she took a shower and moved on to the next one just like that. Especially considering that there was no time between breaking up with me and seeing the new guy. We'll call him Richard Head, Dick for short. 

I've known Dick for a few years now and I've never been a massive fan of him. Always exaggerating his stories and talking himself up when it came to his climbing adventures. I'd never met anyone so full of crap until him. 

Later the next day, I had planned to go for a few drinks with a few friends that I climbed with. Eventually the subject of Sarah and Dick came up. I brought it up, so they thought it was okay to talk about. One of the guys had seen the two of them walking together holding hands last week. I was not happy to hear this, but she must’ve seen the guys clock her and Dick holding hands together and that’s why she messaged me in the first place. So that made me think that she'd maybe been cheating on me. No one moves onto someone that fast. It literally would've had to have been a week for that to happen. 

So in my head I started getting angry and more depressed. I didn’t have time or space to process that she’d broken up with me. And now that I’m back home, my job contract has ended, I’m now a freelance outdoor instructor, work is quiet as I haven’t been around to organise much for the autumnal months. I now have time to grieve over the end of our relationship.

I’m drinking more, I’m sleeping less, and I’m eating less. My mental health is far from ideal right now and my physical health is beginning to deteriorate. I’ve lost all motivation to do any training or exercise or even looking for work. I’m not ashamed to admit that I’m clearly depressed, but I am too proud to seek help or someone to talk to. My friends have asked me if I’m alright, but they’re easy to shrug off with the usual, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

It’s when there are things planned with a large group of friends, I find myself intentionally running late and always asking someone, “Who’s there currently?” And if Sarah or Dick end up being in their response, I make up an excuse to not go. I know that I’ll eventually have to see them together, but right now, if I see either of them again, I’ll freak out. If you were to ask me what I’d do if I saw him right now, my answer would be simple, I’d beat the living shit out of him. I’m so infuriated at even the idea of Sarah and Dick being together that I can actually feel my blood boil and my heart wants to burst out of my chest.

But yeah, if you’ve made it this far into reading, well done to you. You’ve just read up on a year of my love life and it isn’t great. The latest one has absolutely ruined my mental and physical health. Right now, I feel complete disgust for both of them. If I do see him in the coming days, he will get punched in the face. So Sarah or Dick, if this story ends up being familiar to you, stay the fuck away from me.

And that is why this new start is going to be full of surprises. I hate surprises.

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